Distributing Basic Necessities SD Ricci 2
Humans who are intelligent and have superior characters like the R I C C I Character are longing that all Ricci people have been waiting for. Character education that is not accompanied by character habituation only produces intelligent humans and intelligence that is not balanced with good character will only produce "monsters." Character education is carried out not just knowledge, but forming habits through the practice of everyday life. Character education that is not accompanied by character habituation only produces unintelligent humans that is not balanced with good character will only produce "monsters." Character education is carried out not just knowledge, but forming habits through the practice of everyday life. he best character education is through doing an example, not only the students who need to be taught about superior characters but it is including educators, education staff and other Ricci Citizen, as well as parents of students must learn and apply the character of R I C C I in every aspect of their life.
Caring is a one of the character of RICCI, and on this event the children of SD Ricci tried to implement the value of being kind and caring for others in an activity to share groceries. On October 21th 2022, the students of SD RICCI 2 held a food distribution event to OPA in Xaverian and underprivileged residents around Wisma Canossa and a visit to the Kidung Solomon Agape Nursing Home.
The students who took part in this event were full of enthusiasm, those who attended Wisma Canossa were representatives from grades 4 to 6. They were required to fill out a report paper which would later become their reference to recount the situation in there to their friends who unable to join due to space limitations. Congratulations on implementing Caring Character for others and God bless you.